Wednesday, July 18, 2012


superficial people cannot keep it real with themselves so how do you expect them to keep it 100% with you...trying to impress others is for kids...if you can't be you than your just a waste of yourself.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


All relationships should be based on loyalty. We all need to trust that the people you open yourself up to will catch you before you fall, or at the very least pick you up and dust you off when you do. We have to learn to be good to each other. Reevaluate. -LolaBee

Monday, May 28, 2012

Be Still

The most productive of good is to sit in the absence of mention, other than your own mental reflection, giving place to your physical surroundings and significance of being, without opinion or contrary action.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I just don't like certain thoughts entering my head
but its life...I'm accepting whatever it is that I need to do to
get to where I'm going and to leave behind who and what needs to be left behind....

 I'm still searching for that inner peace that I need to dwell
within me permanently...things and thoughts usually throw me...but then I
come back from that dark place I start thinking about things a lot deeper...its a process but
I'm patient...

Inner peace is something that you achieve, it is not received.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Going Out

I think that its so sexy when a man picks out your clothes and then watches you get dressed in it....anticipating the final touch right down to you applying lip gloss in the mirror. And when you glance up at him in the witness his awe and admiration....


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rocket Love

I knew someone that loved this song. You can only appreciate it if you knew the lyrics....or if you've ever been here....or if you are there now....I saved you a seat.
"Rocket Love" (By Stevie Wonder)

Do Do Do, Do Do Do, Do Do Do, Do Do Do
Do Do Do, Do Do Do, Do Do Do-oo

I longed for you since I was born
A woman sensitive and warm
And that you were

With pride and strength no one would test
But yet have feminine finesse
And so much more

You took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world
Took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world

A female Shakespeare of your time
With looks to blow Picasso's mind
You were the best

Your body moved with grace and song
Like symphonies by Bach or Brahms
Nevertheless, oh oh

You took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world
Ooh you took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world

Da Da Da, Da Da Da, Da Da Da, Da Da Da
Da Da Da, Da Da Da-aa

The passion burning in your heart
Would make hell's fire seem like a spark
Where did it go

Just why that you would overnight
Turn love to stone as cold as ice
I'll never know

But you took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world
Baby you took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world

Cold, too cold, you took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world
Oh, Oh, Oh, took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to into this cold, cold world
I would not do that to a dog
Took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world

You took me riding in your rocket, gave me a star
But at a half a mile from heaven you dropped me back
down to this cold, cold world

Ooh baby

Rocket love

(I think I love this song....)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beauty Of It All

A thorn hidden
blood trickles down my 
as I smell the rose
and admire the beauty
my mind tells me to let go
because it hurts
my senses beg for the scent 
so nice
despite the thorns
as I continue to grip its
stem of reality
I lick my wounds 
and switch hands
getting pricked once more
the petals begin to fall
as I continue to inhale 
what is left of the aroma
I confused with love
but is nothing but a lustful scent
I inhale in desperation
as the last petal falls
leaving the bud
of what was once admired
leaving the thorns
closing my eyes and imagining
what was
which is no more
in my mind
I remember the beauty of it all 
I remember the smell of the rose
I drop the naked stem
and reach for another rose in bloom.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Under the Moonlight

your hands
my thighs 
my eyes
your eyes
your lips
my thighs
your ears
my cries
your motion
our rhythm
your sweat
I'm wet
your grunts
my groans
our moans
your hands
my hips
my thighs open to 
your lips
my expression
my face
your hands are on my waist
I grind 
you grind
mixing our soul body and mind
until its time
its time
its time
my eyes
your eyes
you rest comfortably 
between my thighs
our calm
our silence
you can only hear our hearts beat
until we drift off under the glow
of the moon
bodies still in tune.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

One Exercise That May Hurt Your Sex Life

Moving Forward...

In order for one to be confident, you must ignore the negative energy and embrace all the positive energy coming your way. Do not encourage people to continue to push your buttons. It will only make you doubt yourself.  You need self-assuredness and you will not find it in the nay-sayers. What good are they. Find all of the support and encouragement within yourself. Believe in yourself. When in doubt look to the people that have been in your corner all along.  

Look past the shell and you will see the core...that's deep. 


Monday, April 23, 2012

Sometimes life has a funny way of saying "fuck you too." 


What I See

I see eyes that have seen a past
a mouth that tells a story
lips releasing the truth
I see you
as if I have never met you before
I see the glow of infinite wisdom 
as I try to emulate your mind
on a level misunderstood by 
the mortal limits of understanding
I see you
I see your diffidence
remnants of a rational being
years ago left behind
to pursue a more vigorous individual
I see certainty
as I relate to your state of being
as you slowly step forward
with your eyes that have seen a past
looks forward to what the future holds
a teacher willing to be taught and learned
tasting the flavor of perseverance
offering a bite
I see your willingness to undergo
an emotional metamorphosis
I walk into your world in mid transformation
a calm
a positive declaration intended
to give surety
stepping into guarded territory
I see you
offering an opening 
following your words towards an entrance
unafraid of the surroundings 
I trace the verbal footsteps 
of each word
and place them into my memory
I see you
words unspoken firmly established
through powerful thoughts
continuing to follow you through 
a mental hallway of wondernment.



I see eyes that show his soul
I see lips that tell the truth 
I hear words that makes me smile
I see a man with a lot to show
and nothing to prove
Inspiration by way of a high spirit
A past that makes him human 
A present that shows his strength
His presence shows he's strong
Enough intelligence to teach
and patience to learn
A wonderful recipe for greatness
Differing from the ordinary
Astounding by way of high spirit
Feverishly spewing words in which I receive
Mirroring my thoughts with his
Conversing in poetic form 
Words intertwining 
and flowing through the air like a melody
dancing to the lyrical tunes
playing the same keys
But knowing in hindsight that
this is music 
songs from the soul
that form the soul
and I see you with my eyes closed
and I feel the meaningful sounds 
with my hands tied behind my back 
trusting every note to lead me
like a dim light in the darkness
following the beautiful thoughts
and feelings
by way of sound
Still possessing a quality pleasing to the eye
but made only for the soul to see
I see you
and I am bewitched.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Your words stimulate my ears like fourplay
Entering my head slowly and deliberately
Exploring every mental nerve
Giving brain
Receiving the same
Our lips do not touch
But the words stand between us
Like a lyrical embrace as they dance
Slow wine
Easing into the space between my ears
Sentences at a time
Falling in love with your expression
Receiving them before they fall
On some unappreciative woman's deaf ears
Your tantalizing speech
Causes my perception of the physical and verbal
To become one and the same
As I reach a euphoric plateau
Of poetic proportions
Appreciative of the oral exchange of sentiments
I release him from my proverbial grasp
And sigh...thankfully for the knowledge
I have received
Mind fucking me like a melodic shaft
We sit in silence and admiration
Of something awesomely new
To our experiences in life.



My tongue presses against your ear as the heat tickles your lobe,
I exhale heavily slowly leaving a trail of moisture down the side of your neck,
As my lips do a playful dance on your clavicle,
I pause to inhale your fragrance,
Our pheromones engaged,
As my tongue continues a two step,
Left to right,
Swaying swinging gliding,
Down your Adams Apple to the middle of your chest,
Leaving butterfly kisses all over your upper body,
Down to your ribs,
Playing them like xylophone keys,
I tease,
With my eyes closed,
Seeing hues of purple,
In a room covered in black,
Moonlight shines on your body,
Oral secretions like trails of glitter,
A sensual glow,
I admire my sexual artwork,
As I engulf your masterpiece,
Into my mouth,
My hands remain,
Softly pressed against your hips,
As I effortlessly,
Stir a mixture of my dignity,
Inhibitions and elders' taboo,
My morale slowly and extensively pours down your pride like a spilled jar of honey,
I quickly playfully yet hungrily,
Lap up fluids as I orbit you,
Embracing the pulsation,
On my pallet,
As your world momentarily,
Goes insane,
Increasing rapidly without control....
Allowing me to retract your soul.


A voice heard in tones the color of dawn
Rising like the sun with no other option than
To be seen
I hear your emotions
Raising up from your core
Currents performing a tondue in the sea
As the verbal waves generate my mind
Like tides approaching the shoreline.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

That "Girl"

He carries her close to his heart
That Girl
Will spend his money on her
That Girl
He says she takes him to a whole new level
That Girl
A whole new...high
That Girl
That Girl is going to ruin you
That Girl is going to take you for all you have
That Girl
She tells you lies
That Girl
Says you are the only one for her
That Girl
Keeps you up late at night and makes you do things you wouldn't do without
That Girl
But you can't do without
That Girl
When I left you
That Girl
Comforted you
Her pure white skin smothered you as you embraced her
Inhaled her as she whispered in your ear
This girl Will never leave you
And you believed her
That Girl
Makes you feel like a man
When you need her to
That Girl
Is there when you call
Spoons you when you're asleep
And wakes you for more of her toxic loving
There's no one in the world like her
That Girl
Becoming your life in a world you don't care to acknowledge when you're with
That Girl
Becoming your death in a world that you forgot was here
Every time your with
That Girl.

Friday, April 20, 2012

How do you talk to the Most High without asking for an excuse as opposed to forgiveness?


Who is Willie Bosket. Are Our Children's Lives Predestined for Tragedy?

“I grew up with nothing,” he said. “I was born with nothing. I still have nothing. I will never have nothing. Forty-five years of living the way I have lived, I like ‘nothing.’ No one can take ‘nothing’ from you.” - Willie Bosket

“When you’re in hell,” he said, “you can’t predict the future.” -Willie Bosket

Who is Willie Bosket? Bosket was a genius. But one would never learn of his off the chart IQ until he is evaluated under negative circumstances. Jailed for two violent crimes (murder) at the age of 15. Willie thereafter was convicted of several felonies and under the habitual offender law received 25-life.  While in prison Bosket was sentenced to a number of life sentences and is spending the the rest of his life in solitary confinement behind bars covered in plexi-glass. On the rare occasions that Willie receives a visitor he is sprawled across the gates and chained by his arms and legs against the the bars leaving little to no mobility. 

If we trace Willie's family tree we will see that his great-great grandfather, Aaron Bosket was a humble sharecropper and a deacon. His son, however, Pud Bosket (known as a notorious "bad nigger" in his county), was the complete opposite. He had no respect for authority, sold moonshine, and served on chain gangs for robbery and assault. As did his son, James and his grandson, Butch (Willie's father). At 8 years old Butch's mother gave him a quarter and put him on a subway train telling him to never return. He was found days later asleep on the train by authorities and was put in a reform school. Butch later went on to murder two men. While incarcerated, he became the first U.S. prison inmate to receive a Ph.D and designation of Phi Beta Kappa. (It was found that Willie Bosket along with other Bosket men in his family, had an above average or genius IQ). Butch later died during a shootout with police officers labeled a "murder-suicide" because his girlfriend had also died in the incident.

At age 9 Willie wound up in the same reform school as his father. At age 15 he went on to commit the two murders that prompted "the Willie Bosket Law". This law allows children as young as 13 to be tried as adults.

I believe Willie and Butch for that matter could have been on the opposite side of those bars and gone on to great things had they been guided properly. Or it could be some kind of Bosket boys curse that could not be avoided.

Or maybe, sometimes intelligence does not supersede common sense. 

Author James Baldwin told an audience at a benefit for the reform school attended by the Boskets: "These are all our children. We will profit by, or pay for, whatever they become.'' 

For more on Willie Bosket please visit:

*As of March 2011, Bosket (NYSDOCS inmate number 84A6391) was housed in a special cell at Woodbourne Correctional Facility. He will not be eligible for parole until 2062. (Source, Wikipedia)

For Shannon "ShaBayBay" McKinney. If we all would have just paid more attention to the cries from your heart.

Missing you,

Thursday, April 19, 2012




LolaBee Chant

What doesn't kill me will make me stronger
I am blessed
I will not accept defeat
I will not be negative
I will not fall apart
I will believe
I will forgive
I will let go
I can forgive
I will understand my children
I will love my children
I will love myself
I can love myself
I am blessed.


Warm tears
Cold heart

Soft hands
Hard head

Open mind
Closed lips

Angry words
But happy thoughts

At what point do things get confusing

Around the time you agree to be human

But disaster strikes
As did the first emotional blow

You cry all the time
But no one knows
Or when

You begin to believe that you should accept life for what it is

For however long

If not forever.


To the finish line...

FOXSexpert: Dealing With a Selfish Lover | Fox News

Do we race to the finish line during sex? If you're done first, do you suck your teeth (in your head) because you know you have to make sure your partner is satisfied? When is it not so important?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Be wary of the person that you are looking up to because more than likely their truth isn't completely told. And that's because they know that it's a long way down from that pedestal you put them on.


"Whom she can trust, Whom she can't,
And why she shouldn't Take it personally..."

Who's Right?

Apologizing for something you feel strongly about is just as bad as taking the blame for something you did not do. Are we being a bigger person so that we can increase the peace? What makes us become so passive aggressive in some situations? Love? Fear?

Dedication to you...(2004)

I dedicate this to the one who touched my soul

the one who told me you are going to be a heartbreaker when you grow up

to the one who broke my heart

the one who pushed me - on the floor, and made me scrape my knee - because he liked me

I dedicate this to my first kiss - on the lips

my first taste of the tongue

my first caress

the one who held my hand while we walked

to the one who made me feel like nothing

and you that made me feel like something, and that nothing really mattered but us

This - is a dedication to the one who cried for me

who said he'd die for me

and oh, I can't forget you the one that popped my cherry

and ohhhh, you, theone who tasted my cherry and told me

it was so very


I dedicated this to you who told me that his little sister should not get walked on

and if anyone should be walking it had better be me...and I believed it

I dedicate thisto you who told me that there would be no other

and we can't forget you for making me a mother

to the angel who calls me his mother

and to his baby brother

they have taught me more than I could ever learn from any of you

and oooooh, how could I forget you

who used the word "love" for the very first time

and it was with me

and to you who let me knowthat there is more to what I see and you knew there was more to what you can see

thank you baby for believing in me

to you who shared his wisdom

and let me know that a  lady is who you are as a person not what you wear on your face and who you rub your behind on

because we all know that its how you rub your behind

and to my father, who although absent throughout my adolescent years still refers to me as his big girl - I still refer to you as my daddy

I've learned from you all whether we shared a brief encounter or created a lifelong friendship

I dedicate this to you


A Crush

(Written in 2007)

Dark hair

low cut

like the lids of my eyes

when I'm trying to get a glimpse of you

Flutters and throbs when I am within 10 feet of you


you say

But I can't even get out as much as a "huh" to say "hi"

because I'm looking at your lips

I'm getting high off of your shyness

I try to play bold

but if you were to approach me

I would melt

fall to pieces

How I would want nothing more than for you to not know who I know

so you can feel


you feel me?

who wants to wait for the next lifetime for us to meet

with all of this heat

I'm ready to set your soul on fire


with your dark hair

low cut

like the lids of my eyes

when I'm trying to get a glimpse of you


Sweet Thing (2006)

My sweet thing our heat is only temporary the love you give is momentary days after you are gone, I can still  feel the pressure of your tongue tasting my heart I can't call it sprung but its a start of a strong memory that I want to always keep in the back of my mind and when the urge comes I can find the time to make you mine if only for a moment my sweet thing. 

 -Lola Bee

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I wanted us to talk

I wanted you to remind me of

what a touch was like

then I wanted to feel

what your touch was like





what your heart was like

I wanted to not want to hold on to you

but I wanted to know that you would hold on to me

As selfish as this could be

I wanted to feel the need

as manipulating as I can be

I wanted to feel the need

I want to always feel

what your touch is like

I always want to remember

what your heart is like

I want you to always remember

what my touch is like

too much to want

or too little to ask

and how did i end up wanting it all from you?

-Lola Bee

Relax Relate Release (2004)

I've been tired for years

I've been asleep for just as long

letting opportunities stroll by

only to regret keeping my eyes closed

as the days get warmer

there is a sense of anxiety in the air

Tonight I turned out the lights

and went to sleep

but this time

in the morning

I wake up

and then I woke up

there is a sense of relief in the air

the air around me is telling me to

relate to it

to feel the wind and

relax with it

I then begin to believe that everything is going to be okay

as long as I know how to come to terms with it all

so now

I can


-Lola Bee

Dear Summer - Originally written in 2007

The skirts got shorter the dresses got thinner,
the skin got darker.
Fell in love with a friend,
trusted someone more,
lost faith in another,
stood up to him,
put this one on the back burner,
while I dealt with that one,
partied hard,
laughed hard,
drank hard,
loved hard,
fucked hard...
got barred from a lounge,
lost myself,
found myself,
got a hold of myself,
learned that the little dot in the center of the universe is you,
and right next to it is me,
but mine is just a little brighter.
Had a brief moment of happiness
- is that what it feels like?
Dealt with aches,
felt the pain
– the good pain and the bad pain.
Discovered a new drink,
broke up with Jack Daniels.
Made a few threats,
followed up on most,
reneged on some.
Won most
lost some.
Said hello,
said goodbye,
got rid of this one,
to keep that one.
Saw the light,
found my path.
Coming to terms that my sister is leaving me
and that I'm on my own after that.
Fell in love with the rhythm.
Almost satisfied my soul.
Realized that most dudes aren't as hard as they seem
and some don't have as much as they claim to.
But who's counting. 
Almost took a trip to the dark side,
but the Most High brings me back every time.
Found out that even your friends hate you.

Made a promise to do it again next year.

-Lola Bee

To My Girls

she is beautiful 
she is complicated 
she worries about things that concern her 
she is concerned about things she cannot change 
she loves hard 
she forgives all the time 
she would like to forget and ignores the obvious 
shes sexy 
shes confused 
shes not who you thinks she is 
but shes a friend 
shes a lover 
shes a mother 
some may think shes a bitch 
she calls it aggressive 
she has a mouth like fire 
a heart of gold 
shes strong 
and shes ready....

Two Girls Talking Over Drinks-Written in 2007

Sitting here drink in hand thinking
why do people express emotions that are of no substance.
Sometimes I wonder if the common regard for one's feelings still exist.
Egos have gotten larger
Pride is bigger than the one holding on to it
Whatever happened to live life and love
and love someone no matter who they are and who they are with?
yeah because you don't know if they are with the wrong decision
and waiting for the right one.
(do you need more juice?)
closed mouths don't get fed
I want to tell whoever I love that I love them
no matter what they feel?
just know that I said it.
(put some ice in my glass)
and I say what I mean not to settle a score
to make someone jealous
or just because you can't help who you love
shit you can't help who loves you.
(girl pour me another drink).


I don't need candles for this.  
The glow that emulates from our bodies give light. 
My feet travel backwards quickly to the bed as I slowly. Remove. Everything. 
Sounds of music fill the air. 
Not coming from the radio. 
I. Need. A moment to. Slide down. Down. Dowwwn. 
Is it the alcohol or your touch that leaves me intoxicated. 
A melody escapes me as you grab my hair. 
My body bends and twists. 
The weight of your body holds me in position. 
Go Deep as I take deeper Breaths as u tease my lips 
And I move my hips. 
Play between my thighs as I look in your eyes. 
Its a game to you but I'm not playing. 
I'm saying. 
The door is open. 
Come on in. Come. In. 
-Lola Bee (2007)

Desperate Housewife-Written in 2008

I have 2 free hours. 
I jump in the shower. 
That's 10 minutes. 
Can u believe this? 
Gotta get dressed. 
10 more minutes of my time. 
20 minutes gone. 
I pour some wine. 
1 minute to drink. 
One more glaSs I think. 
Where's my shoes? 
Found one foot, but they come in twos. 
5 minutes to get it right. 
That's almost an hour of my night. 
Get behind the wheel. 
Step on the gas, then I peel. 
I don't know how to feel...with an hour gone. 
He's coming back in an hour but I'm off to do all types of wrong. 
So I text him real quick. 
I know he's gonna be sick. 
But I'm off to get some better dick. 
I know you're lookn at me crazy right now. 
But I got at least 30 minutes to gettit ...but how. 
Cut to the chase ...sit on his face. 
 Say your grace. 
And eat like ur in a race. 
But pace. 
When its time for the thrash. 
I'm 10 minutes late ...but I need you to tap. 
I lift. 
You slap. 
Time to make it clap. 
You sweat I sweat we sweat but its not over yet. 
I'm 30 minutes late. 
This nigga gotta wait. 
We cum. We done. 
Damn its almost one. 
Im already in trouble, might as well have fun. 
Because of my greed, I speed. ran a red light or two. 
Texting I'm on my way. 
Don't be mad at me boo. 
I park up and run up. 
Lola's feeling real beat up. 
Put my key in the door. 
Tip toe across the floor. 
I think You're sleep. 
But I peep, that you aint sleep...anymore. 
Hey baby I'm home, traffic was crazy, then I groan. 
Im glad you made it back safe he says but i can tell he’s a little upset by his tone. 
I turn my back to him to avoid looking in his eyes,
hi baby you hungry i brought you suttn and hands him a bag from Popeyes. 
I rub the top of his head and Kiss him on the cheek. 
Say to myself, I can't go out for the rest of the week. 
Before he asks me questions. I lie. 
Oh my Mom says to tell you hi. 
I go to sleep thinking about my special friend. 
Play house for 6 days and on the 7th, I do it again.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the material aspects of life that we forget that our true peace is in our creativity. There is so much to our mental that needs to be expressed. And if we don't release that energy, we can lose our way....which for me is the opposite direction in which everyone else is going.


From the Outside Looking In

Take the time out
to step outside of yourself
when you become besides yourself
to determine the elements 
ascertain essential features
of your soul
from the outside looking in
deep within
is when you realize
that you are not the person who ratifies
the condescending remarks 
chuckling at them approvingly meanwhile 
from the outside looking in
deep within
a separate portion of who you are ceases to be seen
because you have laughed 
for too long
at the contemptuous rudeness of others
and remained silent 
during improper imputations of guilt
saving face
dishonoring your spirit
until you have become too besides yourself
to clutch yourself.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

(This is an excerpt from a longer poem that I've written)

...I see the glow of infinite wisdom as I try to emulate your mind
on a level misunderstood by the mortal limits of understanding
I see you
I see your diffidence 
remnants of a rational being years ago left behind to pursue a more vigorous individual
I see certainty...


Comfort Zone

Good natured gestures
being disregarded intentionally
while the mind tries to make something appear unexpectedly
the heart greets the most feeble in influence and importance
providing physical ease with its structure in a dwelling 
not pieced together for the undeserved
but able to be reached 
by good natured gestures
which gradually become disregarded intentionally
while the soul tries to accede to what it believes
it is qualified for
in just that moment
we understand clearly
that because things are indicative of pleasure
it does not warrant a place in us to exist perpetually.
